I decided after I typed the rest of this post that I better put some cute pics of the kids to remind me how fun they usually are.
I wish that I had pictures for everyone to see. Then maybe you would get some idea of what i have been dealing with this week. It all started with a night without sleep. So Sunday night the baby was up all... night. Finally I i climbed into my bed and my little guy comes running into my room with vomit all over him and it just kept coming. He said " Sorry mommy I throughed up all over your family room and all over my comfy p.j's that nan made for me." He was not kidding. It was not just in the family room but also down the hall and in my room. I cleaned it up only to have it happen again. I wish that was the end but no. I took him to get a movie and a shake later that day. He hadn't through up in a few hours so I thought I was safe. As we pulled up to the house he barfed all over my car and himself. Lets just say it was very special. He took three baths that day and I was in die or need of one by the end of the day. Ryan came home that night and i handed him the kids and said I have to shower then soak in the tub if you want me not to lose it. I actually kept my cool. That is so not like me. I just felt so bad for him and it made me feel worse that he kept saying sorry mommy.
The next way going a little better. No one felt great but at least the problems where contained in diapers and potties. Until we put rose down for bed. She woke up and called for her mommy. I was tired and told Ry to go and get her. He kept saying she will go back to sleep. I started to stand to go get her and Ry stood up first. he went into her room and he said you better come in here. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. As I got closer to the room I knew just what had happened be cause a burst of the worst smelling air hit my nose. The smell of vomit hit me like a ton of bricks. It was all over her the crib the floor. I spent the next hour of my life cleaning up the smelly mess. I felt bad for her but my sympathy was wearing thin. I just hope that we are done with this for a little while. Sorry for the rant. I love my children but when you have 3 small children and only to hands there is only so much you can do. I am so grateful that my children are usually happy and healthy. I seriously felt so grateful to my heavenly father that he has blessed us with healthy children. I pray every day that they will stay that way.
It's days like those that make you want to tear your hair out and run away screaming!
Glad things seem to be getting a bit better.
Hope things are better Mary. It's fun to catch up with you through your blog. We missed seeing you at Grandma and Grandpa's Christmas party this year. Your kids are adorable.
Oh jeez. We are just getting over 2 weeks of the gombu at our house! I am seriously done with this winter, sick season. I hope you are all doing better!
Those are the days that make you grateful for all the OTHER uneventful, non-sick days in your life! So sorry that happened ... does it help to hear that I've been there/done that? Probably not!
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