Saturday, May 29, 2010

go sparta

I just had to do this post because I am so proud of my little sister. Her soccer team just won State Cup for the 15 year old girl premier league. For those of you that don't know anything about soccer like me. It means that they are the best of the best 15 year old girls in the state right now. I have to say it was a exciting moment for me as I watched her get the last save of the game and lay on the ball as the whistle blew . She is the goal keeper. Let me just do a little big sister bragging for a sec. Not only did they win sate cup but she had the least goals scored on her all year. That is all I have to say about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Cooper says the funniest things ever. I had to write this one down before I forgot it. So we were going to my little sisters state cup soccer game. I asked him to get his shoes on. He told me he should wear his soccer shoes because we would be at a soccer game. I said it was a great idea. Then the funny stuff started. He told me that he should no longer wear his sneakers because they make him sneak and sneaking is bad. He said get it mom sneak...ers. This story is way better in person but I had to put it out there for all to hear though. The way little kids brains work is just the best.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

She learned to stand up in her crib. Two days after she turned 8 months. She is such a great baby.

Ryan's birthday gift. He has wanted one forever. A double bike trailer for the girls will be great this summer. It is also a jogger which will be nice for me.

I really never post pictures of me because of 2 reasons. The first no one ever takes pictures of me and second my hair always gets half done and ten someone needs me. As you can see in this rare picture.
Side note I love aprons. I live in them.

Friday, May 21, 2010



Happy Birthday 28Th Birthday
So my sweetest husbands birthday was yesterday. I would have posted yesterday but you know how life is. I don't want to miss the opportunity to write a little about him however, so here it is. I always update on my kidos but not him. Ryan is the best dad ever. I know this because of the way my kids light up when they see him pull into the drive way after a long day of work. He is so hard working. He works to jobs and still comes home happy and ready to give all of us love and attention. He is an accountant and a tennis pro. What a combo right? he is smart and funny and might I add he is HOT! Lucky me. This world is a better place because of my wonderful husband.He is always trying to improve himself and are family. We all love you Honey. I could go on and on but I will just say one last thing. Ryan rocks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Baby Face
She loves getting her picture taken.

Wanted to join her little sister in her crib. She just learned to climb in by her self. This could be dangerous. They love each other so much. the baby gets a little nervous sometimes when her big sisters hands get close.

This little girl will melt your heart and make you want t o rip your hair out in a span of 5 minutes. She makes me smile and laugh so much. I just want to squish her and kiss her. My little Houdini. WOW I love her.

I can't believe how big he is. My little man really is becoming such a funny little kid. He will always be my baby boy though. I know cheese right?

These three kids are the center of my world. my whole life revolves around them and their daddy. I am loving it so much. It is a crazy life and I"m loving every minute of it. Well almost.

I know that all stages of life have there rewards but there is something about the first few years of being a parent that seem special. I have almost been a mom for 4 years. What happens to time? My little man is just not that little anymore. However he is learning to do so many new things. He just learned to ride a bike(with training wheel). He loves it. Picked it out himself. He loves to play with all of his cousins and his little sisters. He loves his mommy so much right now especially when he gets tired. I have just been eating it up because I know I don't have much longer before he won't want to snuggle me anymore. He is just so much fun! I know all parents think their kids are smart and I am one of them. My little guy has the best memory, and he has a very large vocabulary. I really am just so lucky to be his mom.