She learned to stand up in her crib. Two days after she turned 8 months. She is such a great baby.

Ryan's birthday gift. He has wanted one forever. A double bike trailer for the girls will be great this summer. It is also a jogger which will be nice for me.

I really never post pictures of me because of 2 reasons. The first no one ever takes pictures of me and second my hair always gets half done and ten someone needs me. As you can see in this rare picture.
Side note I love aprons. I live in them.
You look beautiful!
Love that you're doing a few updates. And it's been nice seeing you a bit over the last few weeks.
Awww, I am loving the updates. Keep them coming!
I haven't been on your blog for awhile. The updates were so fun! Your three little ones are just adorable and it is obvious how much you love them and love being a mom! Love to see you treasure every minute!
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